Sunday, September 04, 2005



Court TV shows a membership of over 14,000. Probably not a realistic number. To date, the highest count of active registrations known for one member to my knowledge is 12 identities. This is not an uncommon occurrence for this board. With the poor administration, posters plan ahead for the bosses frequent mood swings. Then of course there is the board gangs - where numbers have proven to be an advantage. The more identical you have, the more complaints you can send of to Coldwater. The board guru on a power trip is ever so willing to oblige the guilty side which often complains in numbers. Not that they would need to, it is glaringly obvious Coldwater favors G's and uses a different set of rules for this gang. You do not need to spend much time in either group to know that if you are a known NG to Coldwater your lifespan is predictably shorter.


There are always a few civil and decent posters: A Sun or Moon, a Wolf or Butterfly but they are far and few between.

WorseNurse; MacBeth; Psychicpsycho; Frenchfry; Hayhorse; WannaDona; GoofyGirls; VicNic; LoserLost. All are my interpretations of their self assigned alter ego of course. All you have to do is lurk for a small amount of time and you will recognize them all. You may even discover I am being unduly kind.

Board schizophrenics that thirst for honey and venom. Hypocrites posting roses and prayers on one thread, jump quickly back to battle. Insects like The Swarm! Busy bees sending plots of attack via the feature of personal messaging. They will burrow into the depths of hell to search out a perceived enemy. When they receive the treatment they are comfortable in dishing out, Hayhorse will be the first to whine. Suddenly before your eyes you can see the tears of FragileFemme! Out comes the 'Lost' follower. Too stupid to think outside the box on their own, they are gleeful to jump in to defend the whining wimp. But the Lost's insults are as weak as their mind and generate few responses outside The Swarm. Fragile Femme sobbing thank yous, what a pitiful display!

Each of them is a Jekyll and Hyde. A dysfunctional family of F L A M E S !!! Which one(s)does the compulsive admin post under? Who is she ferreting out for her black list to ban? What great tragedy poisoned this heart against fairness? If a G attacks she "does not get involved in personal fights". For all others it is judged bashing and they disappear in greater numbers.
At one time; many regular posters were described as moms or invalids. What a self serving description of nothing more than an air of superiority. A self appointed Cyber- Suburbanite. Neatly boxed invalids into a lower internet 'class' for self serving bragging rights. This failed to acknowledge several others; our cyber middle class.

Professionals judging those not yet tried as criminals while they steal time from work to post every day. Mom's ignoring kids, father's claiming wives do not mind them missing for hours each evening. Where are their children? No longer can television be blamed for the death of the family 'unit'. Unable to discipline themselves, many contribute to the death of family bonding in real life. Idlers slamming beer mugs with a cyber 'loved one'. Addicts seen posting for their heroin cyber 'fix' first thing in the morning and waving good night at the end of the day. Cyber 'friendships' claiming love as if they had weathered life's worst together. In truth, just selfish addictions wasting away in legal cases about strangers. A new form of cruelty and meanness in attacking others or gang bangs in the cyber-streets called threads. Why title the threads with topics at all? Why not just list the names of high crime inner cities and let the fights begin? Like the very criminals they study; each has learned the behaviors well. The dumbest criminal frequently tagged for their repeated 'lies', snitches running to the board warden, and cyber sociopaths, presenting a demeanor of sweetness plotting the perfect kill. All claiming innocence!